A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Account Abstraction in Ethereumn

Embark on your Ethereum journey with our beginner's guide to Account Abstraction. Simplifying complex concepts, we help you navigate the Ethereum landscape

A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Account Abstraction in Ethereumn
Photo by Shubham Dhage / Unsplash

There are two types of wallets in web3 External Owned Accounts (EOAs) and contract wallets. EOAs are managed by the user's private key, while contract accounts are controlled by their code.‍

Externally Owned Accounts(EOAs) have a pair of public and private keys. They serve to verify that the sender has signed the transaction to prevent fraudulent activities. The private key serves as a digital signature that authorizes transactions and grants access to the funds associated with an account. The private keys act as a gateway to access and manage them. Therefore, the security of the private key is of utmost importance to protect one's assets. 

However, EOAs have several drawbacks. Including limited functionality for advanced features, security risks due to private key control, higher gas costs, interoperability issues when communicating with other accounts or smart contracts, and limited capabilities for managing user permissions, tracking balances, or token transfers.

Account abstraction is a significant improvement as it simplifies the system by eliminating the need for External Owned Accounts (EOAs) and instead consolidates all accounts into contract accounts. This streamlines managing and executing transactions by allowing developers to customize smart contract wallets and transact flexibly, avoiding constant user interaction. This would make it easier for developers to create applications as they only have to focus on one type of account.

Users can simplify their interactions with the blockchain through account abstraction by customizing different aspects of their smart contract wallets. For instance, they can configure gasless transactions, auto-approval mechanisms, or choose specific fee payment methods. This simplification can lead to a better user experience and increase adoption of blockchain technology.‍

Background on Ethereum accounts & history of account abstraction. 

Account abstraction was first proposed by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin in 2014 and has since been a topic of ongoing research and development in the Ethereum community. In 2017, the Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 101 was introduced, which proposed a mechanism for account abstraction. The proposal suggested creating a new type of account, called a "contract account", which would be able to hold ether and execute code but would not be associated with a specific owner. Instead, ownership of the contract account would be determined by a separate "owner" contract. EIP 101 was later revised and became EIP 2938, included in the Ethereum Berlin hard fork in April 2021.

This implementation of account abstraction allows for more flexible and extensible account structures on the Ethereum blockchain. Also, it makes it easier to create decentralized applications that interact with multiple blockchains. 

How is account abstraction useful? 

Account abstraction provides more flexibility and customization for smart contracts, enabling developers to create more advanced dApps. Furthermore, with account abstraction, smart contracts can operate without user interaction, making the ecosystem more automated and decentralized. It also enables easier interoperability between blockchains, which is crucial for DeFi applications that rely on cross-chain interactions. 

Account abstraction enhances security and privacy by abstracting away technical details and making it easier to implement security protocols and privacy measures to prevent malicious attacks and ensure user safety.

On the user end, account abstraction removes all user interaction resulting in better UX while reducing risk due to human error. ‍

How is account abstraction implemented?

The process of account abstraction works by creating a new type of account, called a "contract-based account", which can handle transactions and interactions with the Ethereum network. The contract-based account can be programmed with its own logic for deciding what constitutes a verified transaction, essentially replacing the traditional EOA (Externally Owned Account) with a smart contract account.

EIP-2930 and EIP-3074 are two different types of account abstraction proposals; EIP-2930 introduces a new transaction type, which separates the transaction data and signature from the transaction sender and allows for the sender to be a smart contract account.‍

EIP-3074 introduces the concept of "trusted relayers", which are external entities that can pay for transaction fees and execute transactions on behalf of a contract-based account, making it possible for the contract-based account to operate without holding any ETH.

At the protocol level, account abstraction supports smart contract wallets, enhancing the user experience and improving security. This level of support allows smart contract developers, wallet creators, and application developers more freedom to innovate and improve user experience. Additionally, account abstraction enables the bundling of transactions for faster and more efficient processing. This technology also enables developers to customize smart contract accounts and transactions.

For example, instead of approving multiple transactions for a token swap, account abstraction enables a single-click solution. By bundling transactions and authorizing them for the amount required, users no longer need to approve individual token spending, enhancing security. Once the transaction is completed, the authorization is revoked.

Benefits of account abstraction. 

Account abstraction offers significant improvements to gas management. In addition to enabling applications to cover their users' gas fees, gas payments can be made using tokens other than ETH. This eliminates the need for users to maintain an ETH balance for transaction. Essentially, the process involves exchanging a user's tokens for ETH within the contract, which can then be used to pay for gas.

Account abstraction has many practical applications, such as in multi-signature wallets allowing multiple signers to approve transactions. This creates a secure way to manage large amounts of digital assets. In addition, account abstraction can be used to set up sub-accounts for a group of members in services allowing the primary account holder to configure and control permissions for accessing age-appropriate content. 

With account abstraction, developers design smart contracts with custom account structures representing a broader range of assets and financial instruments. This enables new types of decentralized applications (dApps) previously impossible. 

For example, developers have the potential to design a smart contract that represents an investment fund, with each share represented by a custom account. 

Another use case for account abstraction is the creation of privacy-preserving dApps. Account abstraction allows developers to create smart contracts that hide the underlying account balances and transaction details, enhancing user privacy. This enables new types of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, such as private loans or private asset swaps. 

Account Abstraction Risks? 

However, account abstraction has limited scalability of some smart contracts, which may not be suitable for more complex use cases. There is a risk of malicious data exploiting smart contracts to steal funds or personal data, especially in the case of multi-signature wallets. Account abstraction is complex and may be challenging for new developers to manage, potentially leading to scams or misconfigured transactions. Misuse of account abstraction can also result in privacy breaches or lost funds. In the new architecture, every wallet must send its transactions to a centralized entry point contract. Consequently, this entry point must be highly secure and resilient since it verifies that all incoming transactions are validly signed and authenticated.

This makes account abstraction a technology that can improve the web3 user experience but with certain risk. In conclusion, account abstraction is a crucial aspect of blockchain technology that has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and security of transactions. By allowing users to interact with the blockchain without revealing their private keys, account abstraction ensures that sensitive information remains protected while enabling powerful new use cases. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of account abstraction in the years ahead.