Arcana vs Particle Network : Selecting the Optimal Authentication Service

Explore the intriguing comparison between Arcana and Particle Network in our latest blog. Dive into their unique features, differences, and impacts on tech world.

Arcana vs Particle Network :  Selecting the Optimal Authentication Service
Photo by FlyD / Unsplash

User Adoption and Onboarding are one of the most crucial parts of a successful web3 project, as more people are getting introduced to both the project and the concept of the decentralized web at the same time, throwing them into a ditch full of Web3 Specific Authentication can portray itself as a drag. To help you get this part right, both Arcana Network and Particle Network can help you out. Both of the mentioned ideas aim to provide a seamless authentication experience for users. However, they differ in their approach and technology.

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Let's dive deeper into these two popular authentication services - Arcana and Particle. By examining their unique features and benefits, we can help you determine which service is best suited for your needs.

What is Arcana Network?

Arcana Network is an authentication idea that forms its roots in advocating Web3 Onboarding in a Secure and User-Friendly Way. 

Designed for developers and users, Arcana Auth is easy to integrate and offers a simple yet secure, customizable user experience powered by cutting-edge cryptographic algorithms and distributed key generation system that ensures no single entity owns the user's keys.

What is Particle Auth?

Particle Auth is an uncomplicated self-custodial authentication infrastructure designed for Web3 applications and wallets. It offers support for login through mobile numbers and email addresses, ensuring users have a straightforward operational experience.

Once logged in, the user's account is associated with a blockchain wallet that is safeguarded by a "Threshold Signatures vault." which provides enhanced security.‍

Advantages of Arcana Over Particle Auth: A Competitive Edge

Key Management and Generation

Arcana’s Authentication is one of the best in the current ecosystem as it intelligently addresses and deals with the complexities involved in key generation and management for onboarding Web3 Projects by implementing an asynchronus distributed key generation protocol combined with the cutting-edge non-custodial, embedded Arcana wallet. 

By leveraging this powerful combination of technologies, the process of generating and managing private keys for users becomes simplified, ensuring accessibility and enhanced security when engaging with decentralized applications. 

Precisely explaining, The private key is a secret associated with a user's Arcana wallet and is generated using the Asynchronous Distributed Key Generation component of the Arcana Auth product. This method of key generation is one of the strongest in the game and cannot be accessed by anyone other than the user. Though The Arcana wallet also allows users to export their private key if they want to access their data or assets using a different wallet. However, the private key is not removed from the Arcana Network after it is exported.

On the other hand, Particle Network uses the Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) on top of the Multi-Party Computation , this is a cryptographic primitive for distributed key generation and signing. Though this is modern and stronger when compared with the relevant and popular concepts, ADKG is outperforms most of the processes relevant and is more secure.

Integratibilty and Performance

Arcana Auth provides an SDK that stands out in terms of integration, surpassing industry standards. Its implementation is simple and to the point, and developers can integrate authentication into their Web3 projects with ease. With tightly drafted and relevant documentation and available support, developers get access to resources to assist them during the integration.

On average, the integration time for Arcana Auth is as short as 10 minutes, ensuring a swift setup while delivering the fastest login times. Furthermore, Arcana Auth is compatible with a variety of technology stacks, accommodating different developer preferences. The SDK offers support for various authentication methods, including social media logins, email/password combinations, and integration with different blockchain wallets. 

Arcana Auth's seamless integration process saves developers valuable time and resources, enabling them to focus on building and scaling their applications. By reducing the complexity of integrating authentication systems, developers can dedicate more effort to other crucial aspects of their projects.

In comparison to Particle, Arcana Auth excels not only in login times which is one of the faster ones in the ecosystem but also in scalability. Arcana Auth also supports multiple relevant blockchains, ensuring smooth interoperability across various decentralized applications within the ecosystem.

Also in the case of Social Login implementations, Arcana Supports more social platforms when compared to Particle, for example, GitHub and Discord.

Pricing Comparison

Arcana has maintained its edge over all the ecosystem competitors in terms of Pricing, this 

Comparison also includes Particle Network, which though offers 2000 MAUs free but after that charges $0.1 Per Monthly Active Users.Whereas when it comes to Arcana, the pricing too offers a free plan that supports up to 2000 Monthly Active Users and includes features such as customizable UI and wallet integration. Additionally after the limit, the charges of Arcana are one-fourth of the one offered by Particle Network, being $0.025 per Monthly Active Users. Hence, Arcana Auth ensures accessibility to its platform for everyone, regardless of their budget or project size, by offering a generous free plan and affordable paid plans.

The Takeaways

Concluding, Particle comes out as a solid product for authentication service though throughout the comparison, Arcana Auth has a significant advantage in terms of infrastructure prowess. The Authentication from Arcana is strong and advanced in terms of security, non-custodial solutions, and customization options.

When compared to Particle Auth, the Arcana Auth offers a vast range of features and customization of Web3 Authentication and inetgrations. Arcana Network’s tightly drafted Documentation, precise and fast integration support and extensive customization options, provides developers with the freedom to craft tailored user experiences that perfectly match their brand and design specifications.

Overall, Particle portrays itself as a strong Web3 Infrastructure utility service, Arcana Auth is the superior choice for more complex and advanced Web3 projects that require a higher level of security and customization.