6 use cases for decentralized identity

Decentralized identity (DID) has the power to transform digital trust. Explore 6 promising DID use cases, from supply chain transparency to digital wallets.

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the way we manage, control, and distribute our identities is undergoing a transformative shift. Traditional systems, where our personal data is stored in centralized servers and controlled by corporations or governments, are giving way to more individual-centric solutions. At the heart of this evolution lies the concept of decentralized identity management.

What Is Decentralized Identity Management?

File:Decentralized Identity icon.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Decentralized Identity Management refers to systems where individuals have control over their own identity without relying on centralized entities or intermediaries. In traditional systems, entities such as banks, governments, or tech companies hold, verify, and authenticate personal data. In a decentralized model, these functions are returned to the individual, often enabled by blockchain technology or distributed ledger technologies, ensuring that the individual's identity remains immutable, secure, and under their control.

How It Works

  1. Self-sovereign Identity: Users create a digital identity for themselves, which is cryptographically secure and unique. This can include personal details, biometric data, credentials, or other pertinent information.
  2. Blockchain or DLT Storage: Instead of being stored on a centralized server, identity data gets recorded on a blockchain or distributed ledger, making it tamper-proof and transparent.
  3. Verification: Trusted entities, like institutions or government bodies, can verify the user's details and issue cryptographic proofs, which are attached to the user's identity.
  4. Authentication: When a user needs to prove their identity, they can share their decentralized identity, or a portion of it, without revealing the entire data set. The verifier can then check this against the blockchain or distributed ledger to ensure its authenticity.
  5. Consent-based Sharing: Users decide who they share their identity with and can revoke or grant access at any time, ensuring full control.

Importance Of The Use Cases

Decentralized identity management isn't just a novel concept; it has real-world applications that can significantly impact various sectors. Understanding its use cases is critical for several reasons:

  1. Privacy and Security: With data breaches becoming alarmingly frequent, a system that gives users control over their data can offer enhanced security and privacy.
  2. Efficiency: Decentralized systems can streamline processes, eliminating the need for intermediaries, thus reducing costs and increasing speed.
  3. Digital Inclusion: In many parts of the world, people still lack official documentation. Decentralized identity can provide such individuals with a digital identity, allowing them to access vital services.
  4. Innovation: By breaking away from traditional systems, industries can develop new models for business, financial inclusion, healthcare, and more.

In this article, we will delve deep into the intricacies of decentralized identity management. We will explore its foundational principles, technological underpinnings, and potential challenges. Furthermore, by examining various use cases across sectors, we'll highlight its transformative potential and how it's paving the way for a more secure, efficient, and inclusive digital future. Join us as we navigate the future of identity in the digital age.

Use Cases For Decentralized Identity Management

Supply Chain Traceability:

  • In a decentralized identity management system, every product can be assigned a unique, traceable digital identity. This allows for transparency in the supply chain, ensuring the origin, journey, and authenticity of products can be tracked from raw material sourcing to the consumer.
  • Example: A coffee brand uses decentralized identity management to track the journey of coffee beans from farms in South America to cafes in Europe. Consumers can scan a QR code on the packaging to view the entire history of the product, ensuring its organic and fair-trade claims are legitimate.

Fraud-Proof Certifications:

  • Decentralized identity management can be used to ensure the authenticity of certificates, diplomas, and other qualifications. Once recorded on a blockchain or DLT, these certificates cannot be altered, reducing the chances of fraudulent claims and counterfeit documentation.
  • Example: A university issues digital diplomas using blockchain technology. Graduates can share these diplomas with potential employers who can easily verify their authenticity without having to contact the university directly.

Managing Employee IDs:

  • Companies can manage their employee identities in a decentralized manner, ensuring only authorized personnel have access to certain data or locations. This not only increases security but also reduces the administrative overhead of managing centralized databases of employee information.
  • Example: A multinational corporation uses decentralized identity systems for its global offices. An employee transferring from the Tokyo office to the New York office doesn't need a new ID; their decentralized identity is recognized globally, granting them access to relevant departments and data.

Digital Identity Verification:

  • Decentralized identity can streamline identity verification processes for online services. Users can prove their identity without exposing unnecessary personal information, and service providers can ensure the user's identity is legitimate without relying on third-party verifiers.
  • Example: A user wants to open a new online bank account. Instead of undergoing a lengthy verification process, they provide a digital identity proof from their decentralized identity wallet. The bank verifies this in seconds and grants the user access to their new account.

Access Control and Authorization:

  • Decentralized systems can provide robust frameworks for digital access controls. Users can grant permissions or revoke them, and these decisions are immutably recorded. This can be applied to digital services, smart devices, and even physical locations.
  • Example: A smart home system employs decentralized identity management. The homeowner can grant temporary access to a neighbor to water plants while they're away, then revoke that access when they return, all recorded securely on a decentralized ledger.

Personal Data Management and Privacy Protection:

  • Individuals can take control of their personal data, deciding who can access it and for what purpose. This empowers users to maintain their privacy, only sharing what's necessary, and revoking access when needed.
  • Example: A user signs up for an online newsletter. They use their decentralized identity to share only their email address, withholding other personal details. Later, when the newsletter service has a data breach, the user's other personal details remain safe and uncompromised.

Benefits Of Using Decentralized Identity Management

  1. User Control and Privacy: Users have full control over their personal data, deciding when and how to share, and ensuring their privacy remains intact.
  2. Enhanced Security: With no centralized database to target, the risk of mass data breaches is significantly reduced.
  3. Interoperability: Users can employ the same decentralized identity across various platforms and services, simplifying interactions and transactions.
  4. Reduced Fraud: The immutable nature of decentralized systems makes identity theft and fraud more challenging.
  5. Transparent and Trustworthy: The transparent nature of blockchain and DLTs ensures users can trust the system and its operations.
  6. Cost-Efficient: For businesses, decentralized identity can reduce the costs associated with data storage, verification, and breach reparations.


Decentralized identity management is poised to revolutionize the way we view and handle personal identity in the digital era. Not only does it provide enhanced security and privacy for users, but it also presents new opportunities for businesses to streamline operations, bolster trust, and provide improved services. As this technology continues to evolve and integrate into mainstream use, it will undoubtedly pave the way for a more secure, transparent, and user-centric digital world.