Filecoin vs chainlink

Filecoin or Chainlink - which decentralized network is right for you? This comprehensive blog compares and contrasts Filecoin for storage vs Chainlink for oracles. Get the key info you need.

Filecoin and Chainlink are two prominent projects in the blockchain and decentralized technology space, each serving distinct purposes and utilizing unique technologies.

Filecoin is a decentralized storage network built on blockchain technology. It aims to provide a secure and efficient alternative to traditional cloud storage services. Filecoin leverages the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer protocol for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. The platform uses its native cryptocurrency, FIL, to facilitate transactions within the network. Storage providers in the Filecoin network are incentivized through FIL to offer their unused storage space, creating a marketplace for data storage that is both secure and transparent.

Chainlink, on the other hand, is a decentralized oracle network that provides reliable, tamper-proof inputs and outputs for complex smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink allows blockchains to securely interact with external data feeds, events, and payment methods, providing the critical off-chain information that complex smart contracts need to become the dominant form of digital agreement. The Chainlink network is fueled by its native token, LINK, which is used to pay for services on the network. It's known for enabling smart contracts to securely connect to external data sources, APIs, and payment systems, expanding the capabilities of blockchain applications.

What Is Filecoin?

Filecoin is a decentralized storage network designed to offer a secure and efficient alternative to conventional cloud storage services. It operates on a blockchain framework, creating an open market for storage where users can rent out their unused disk space. This network is built to store humanity's most important information, ensuring that it is preserved over time.

Introduction to Filecoin's Decentralized Storage Network

  • Decentralized Framework: Filecoin’s network is composed of multiple independent storage providers. This decentralization means that data isn't stored in a single location or controlled by one entity, enhancing security and resilience against data loss or censorship.
  • Blockchain-Based: Utilizing blockchain technology, Filecoin facilitates transparent and secure transactions within its network. The blockchain records storage contracts, ensuring accountability and reliability.
  • Incentive Model: The network incentivizes participants (both clients and storage providers) through its native cryptocurrency, FIL. Clients pay for storage services, and providers earn FIL in exchange for their storage space and services.

Key Features of Filecoin

Decentralization and Security Aspects

  • Robust Data Storage: With its decentralized structure, Filecoin mitigates the risks associated with centralized data storage, such as data breaches or loss.
  • Proofs of Storage: Filecoin employs Proof of Replication (PoRep) and Proof of Spacetime (PoSt) to ensure that data is securely stored and maintained over time, which enhances overall data integrity and reliability.

Filecoin's Native Cryptocurrency (FIL)

  • Medium of Exchange: FIL, the platform's native token, is used for all transactions within the Filecoin network, including paying for storage space and rewarding storage providers.
  • Economic Incentives: The use of FIL aligns the interests of various network participants, ensuring a stable and efficient marketplace for data storage.

Use Cases and Real-World Applications

  • Data Archiving: Filecoin is ideal for long-term data archiving, offering a more secure and cost-effective solution than traditional cloud storage.
  • Content Distribution: It can be used for decentralized content distribution, enabling creators to store and distribute content without relying on centralized platforms.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: The network's decentralized nature makes it suitable for backup and disaster recovery solutions, where data availability and integrity are critical.

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that plays a crucial role in the blockchain ecosystem. It acts as a bridge between blockchain smart contracts and external data sources, enabling smart contracts to securely interact with real-world data, events, and payment systems.

  • Bridge Between Blockchains and the Real World: Chainlink provides a secure, reliable way for smart contracts on various blockchain platforms to access off-chain resources like data feeds, web APIs, and traditional bank payment systems.
  • Decentralized Network of Oracles: It operates as a network of nodes (or oracles) that independently fetch and verify external data before relaying it to smart contracts. This decentralization ensures that the data is accurate and tamper-proof.
  • Enhancing Smart Contract Capabilities: By enabling smart contracts to securely connect to external data sources, Chainlink expands their potential beyond the blockchain, allowing them to become more useful in a wide range of real-world applications.

Smart Contract Connectivity

  • Secure Data Feeds: Chainlink provides smart contracts with secure and reliable access to external data feeds, which is essential for many decentralized applications (dApps) to function correctly.
  • Versatile Integration: The network can integrate with any blockchain, making it a versatile tool for developers building complex dApps that require real-world data.
  • LINK Token Utility: Chainlink's native token, LINK, is used to pay for services on the network. Node operators are rewarded in LINK for providing reliable data, and users spend LINK to access these data services.
  • Economic Incentive Structure: The use of LINK tokens creates an economic incentive for node operators to provide accurate data, as their remuneration depends on their performance and reliability.

Integration with External Data Sources

  • Wide Range of Data Sources: Chainlink can integrate with various data sources, including financial market data, weather information, retail prices, and much more, enabling smart contracts to execute based on a vast array of inputs.
  • Real-World Applications: This integration capability opens the door for numerous real-world applications, such as decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, insurance contracts, supply chain management, and other sectors that require external, real-world data to trigger blockchain-based agreements.

Filecoin and Chainlink, although both integral parts of the blockchain ecosystem, serve very different functions and address distinct challenges. Understanding their differences is key to appreciating how each contributes to the broader landscape of blockchain technology and decentralized applications.

Filecoin: Focused on Decentralized Storage

Purpose and Function:

  1. Filecoin's primary goal is to provide decentralized storage solutions. It allows users to rent out their unused storage space or purchase storage from others within a decentralized network.


  1. Integrates with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for efficient, decentralized data storage.
  2. Employs blockchain technology for maintaining an open marketplace for storage and ensuring the integrity of data through cryptographic proofs.

Token Use:

  1. Filecoin uses its native cryptocurrency, FIL, to facilitate transactions within its storage marketplace. This includes payments for storing data and rewards for providing storage space.

User Base:

  1. Appeals to individuals and organizations looking for decentralized data storage options, as an alternative to traditional cloud storage services.

Purpose and Function:

  1. Chainlink is designed to connect smart contracts with real-world data and external APIs. It acts as a bridge between blockchain and external data sources.


  1. Operates as a decentralized oracle network, providing secure and reliable data feeds to smart contracts on various blockchain platforms.
  2. Ensures data integrity and security through a decentralized network of nodes or oracles.

Token Use:

  1. Uses its native token, LINK, for compensating node operators (oracles) for providing data and for users who need to access these data services.

User Base:

  1. Targets developers and platforms creating complex decentralized applications (dApps) that require external data inputs, such as in decentralized finance (DeFi) or supply chain management.

Key Differences

  • Primary Focus: Filecoin is focused on data storage, creating a decentralized alternative to cloud storage. Chainlink, however, is centered around data usage, specifically enhancing the capabilities of smart contracts by connecting them to external data and systems.
  • Operational Model: Filecoin creates a marketplace for data storage space, while Chainlink provides a network for transmitting external data to smart contracts.
  • Technology Integration: Filecoin integrates with IPFS for data storage, whereas Chainlink integrates with various data sources and APIs for feeding information to blockchain networks.
  • Token Functionality: FIL in Filecoin is used primarily for storage-related transactions. In contrast, LINK in Chainlink is used to facilitate the data retrieval and validation process.

Filecoin and Chainlink are two distinct projects in the blockchain space, each with its own unique technologies and functions. Understanding the core differences between them is key to appreciating their respective contributions to the blockchain ecosystem.

Filecoin: Decentralized Storage Network

Core Technology:

  • Filecoin is built around a decentralized storage network. It uses blockchain technology to create a market for data storage and retrieval.
  • The network relies on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a protocol designed for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.


  • Data Storage: Filecoin provides a platform for users to store data securely and efficiently across a decentralized network. It's an alternative to traditional centralized cloud storage solutions.
  • Marketplace for Storage: It creates a marketplace where users can pay for storage space or offer their own unused storage to others in exchange for Filecoin tokens (FIL).
  • Data Integrity and Security: Utilizing cryptographic proofs (such as Proof of Replication and Proof of Spacetime), Filecoin ensures the integrity and security of data stored within its network.

Core Technology:

  • Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that securely connects blockchain-based smart contracts with external data sources, APIs, and payment systems.
  • It operates as a middleware, bridging the gap between on-chain and off-chain environments.


  • Data Oracles: Chainlink provides reliable and tamper-proof data inputs and outputs for smart contracts, enabling them to interact with real-world data and events.
  • Smart Contract Connectivity: It extends the functionality of smart contracts by connecting them to real-world data and external APIs, allowing for the creation of more complex and useful decentralized applications (dApps).
  • Token-based Incentives: Chainlink uses its native token, LINK, to incentivize data providers (oracles) to supply accurate and timely data to smart contracts.

Determining whether Filecoin or Chainlink is "better" is not straightforward, as it largely depends on the specific needs and goals of the user or organization. These platforms serve different purposes within the blockchain ecosystem, and their effectiveness is context-dependent. Here's a perspective based on various criteria:

Use Case and Requirements

  • For Decentralized Storage Needs: If your primary requirement is decentralized data storage, Filecoin is the better choice. It provides a secure and distributed storage solution, ideal for those looking to store data outside of traditional centralized cloud storage services.
  • For Smart Contract Functionality: If you need to enhance smart contracts with real-world data inputs, Chainlink is the superior choice. It is essential for applications that require external data sources, such as DeFi, insurance, and supply chain management.

Technological Preferences

  • Blockchain-Based Storage: Filecoin is a go-to option if you are interested in participating in a decentralized storage network, either as a provider or consumer of storage space.
  • Oracles and Data Integration: Choose Chainlink if you're developing blockchain applications that need reliable, secure, and real-time data from external sources.

Investment or Development

  • As a Developer or User: Your choice depends on whether you're looking to develop/deploy applications requiring external data (Chainlink) or if you're seeking decentralized storage solutions (Filecoin).
  • As an Investor: The decision might be based on the potential growth, adoption, and technological advancements of each platform. Assessing their market position, partnerships, and use case scenarios can provide insights into their long-term viability.


What are the primary functions of Filecoin and Chainlink?

Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that offers an alternative to traditional cloud storage, while Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts with real-world data.

Can Filecoin and Chainlink be used together in a project?

Yes, they can be used together. For instance, a project might use Filecoin for decentralized data storage and Chainlink for bringing external data into its smart contracts.

How do Filecoin and Chainlink differ in their use of blockchain technology?

Filecoin uses blockchain to create a marketplace for data storage and ensure data integrity. Chainlink uses blockchain to securely and reliably feed external data to smart contracts.

What types of tokens do Filecoin and Chainlink use, and what are their purposes?

Filecoin uses the FIL token primarily for transactions in its storage marketplace. Chainlink uses the LINK token to compensate oracle providers for providing external data to smart contracts.

Are Filecoin and Chainlink competitors in the blockchain space?

No, they are not competitors. Filecoin and Chainlink serve different purposes and can complement each other in the blockchain ecosystem.