6 Reasons Developers Should Make the Leap to Web3

If you're a developer and still not convinced as to why you should work in the internet's latest iteration- web3, this blog is for you.

The Internet is arguably one of the biggest technological developments in history, and it has continued to grow at an unprecedented pace over the past three decades. The internet of today is so different from what we had ten years ago, and it still continues to evolve.

It has incorporated itself into human endeavors, starting from work, school, and healthcare to personal lives, logistics, and wellness. The Internet has enormous potential for growth and advancement, and we have seen successive iterations of the web, such as Web2, then Web3, from the original Web 1.0 of the 1990s.

The transition to Web3 would provide a more personalized use of the internet for everyone. This switch is also an opportunity for developers to improve their skills to learn how to create applications using open-source software.

Aside from becoming a part of history, devs who make the leap can enjoy getting massive rewards from Web3 companies for providing high-quality services.

In this article, we will give you reasons why you should be transitioning to Web3 as a developer. Let’s get started.

Where It All Began

To understand why you need to branch into Web3, it is important to understand where we came from– Web1 and Web2.

Web1 was the first iteration of the internet from the 1990s through to the early 2000s, and it was made up of mainly static images and texts. This internet iteration was made up of web pages that were joined by hyperlinks. It was referred to as the read-only internet, and there were no additional visuals, forms, or controls as we see on the web today.

The prominent services of this internet were blog posts and emails, and it formed the building block for the global network that represented the future of digital communication.

Then, in the mid-2000s, the internet began to take a new shape, as we transitioned to Web2. It is made of interactive websites and social media platforms, which allows users to actively participate in sharing content.

Web2 allows a higher level of information sharing and interconnectedness among users, and users are not just passive viewers that consume information.

What is Web3?

Web3 is the next iteration of the internet that seeks to shift dependency from the big tech companies by promoting decentralized protocols. This version of the internet consists of a series of open-source, decentralized protocols and blockchain technologies.

There are several innovations over Web2, but decentralization, transparency, and value-adding are at the core of Web3. This Internet iteration is transparent as different transactions are auditable, and the process of decision-making is made public. Also, Web3 empowers users by allowing them to create and own content online.

In Web 3, developers don’t create and deploy applications that run on a single server or store data in a single database, often hosted and managed by a single cloud provider.

Rather, Web 3 apps are built on blockchains, decentralized networks of numerous peer-to-peer nodes (servers), or a hybrid of the two, and they are often referred to as decentralized apps (dApps).

The vast topic of cryptocurrencies also comes up when discussing Web 3 majorly because many of these protocols rest so much on cryptocurrencies. As it stands, anyone that seeks to develop, govern, and contribute to any of the projects has a financial incentive in the form of tokens.

Some of the services these protocols will provide include computation, storage, bandwidth, identification, hosting, and some other online services which are formerly offered by cloud providers. Web3 seeks to recreate the traditional Internet to provide privacy by ensuring it’s open, trustless, and not monopolized.

Getting Started with Web 3.0

Transitioning from Web2 into Web3 for developers is not a difficult task because of their previous knowledge and background. Developers that want to start with Web3 should begin reading the Ethereum and Solidity documentation. These documents will provide the necessary knowledge about building a smart contract and understanding the basics of blockchain technology.

Developers should know Java or C++, as they are similar to Solidity. In addition, you will need to get comfortable with this new development interface like Remix, then transfer it to an execution mechanism for the blockchain you choose. There is also the aspect of learning how to sign different transactions to the blockchain.

To enter into Web3, there is a lot of work done in the development of this Internet iteration. So, why should you make the switch?.

7 Reasons You Should Make the Leap

It is the future of work

There are the technological and philosophical aspects of Web3. The technological aspect has to do with the decentralized system and the blockchain technology, while the philosophical aspect relates to the way it affects the people in relation to work in the landscape.

There was massive voluntary resignation in the last quarter of 2021, as about 4.4 million Americans resigned from work in September alone. The workers resigned from the traditional 9 to 5 jobs to seek new ways of making ends meet that will give them the autonomy they desire. And Web3 just provided that opportunity to make this migration possible, and developers started moving to Web3.

To develop disruptive technology

Transitioning to Web3 can put you at the frontlines of a financial and technological revolution. You get to create democratic, privacy-centered apps that can steer people toward a fair internet environment – one that is free from censorship or corporate interests.

As Web3 evolves into different areas such as DeFi, gaming, crypto, etc., developers will also be contributing to the future by building disruptive technologies.

It offers unprecedented growth opportunities

Web3 is still at its initial stages and demand for developers is high with tremendous growth potential. As a developer, getting into Web3 opens you up to a world of opportunities as there are new things to learn every day.

This would keep you ahead of the game for a life-changing career as time goes on.

Saturation of Web 2

The internet has continued to experience tremendous growth, and its growth skyrocketed over the last decade. FAAN companies have experienced tremendous successes.

However, some of these companies are showing signs that they have plateaued in their growth process, and some users are leaving the platforms due to oversaturation. Web2’s saturation affects developers equally as there’s more competition in the job market.

Diving into Web3 as a developer will be the right foot forward at the moment, as you have a vast space to explore and grow your skills.

Job opportunities

Web3 is still in the infancy stage, so the demand for developers is high, same as their compensation. You will have a chance to work in a field that covers virtual reality, 3D graphics, metaverse, NFTs, and altogether more advanced technologies. The Web3 job market is hot and isn’t saturated yet so there’s still time to jump on it.

Flexible point of entry and mainstream adoption

2021 was a significant year for Web3 as it saw tremendous growth, with an increasing number of active developers monthly in the crypto space. The increase in the number of developers jumping into Web3 is because of the flexible entry point.

Another fascinating reason developers should enter Web3 is because of its mainstream adoption. Web3's acceptance is increasing, as the number of users continues to skyrocket, and even countries begin to take steps to make cryptocurrencies a legal tender.


To wrap up, Web3’s popularity is increasing at a fast rate with so much potential for growth and increasing projects in different sectors. Developers can take advantage of this new space by learning the necessary skill sets so they can contribute to something that will disrupt the future of technology.

About Arcana Network

Built for Ethereum and EVM-based chains, Arcana is the web3 infrastructure to easily onboard dApp users and enable user data privacy and ownership. Web3 developers use Arcana’s SDKs for a seamless, familiar user onboarding experience via social authentication and passwordless login. All user data is encrypted, secured with data access fully controlled by the users, and powered by blockchain.

Arcana has raised 2.7Mn USD from some of the leading investors and founders in the ecosystem such as Balaji Srinivasan, Founders of Polygon, Woodstock, Republic Crypto, and Digital Currency Group.

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