Top 5 SlashAuth alternatives in 2024

SlashAuth is ending in 2024. Get ahead of the transition by learning the 5 best alternatives for user authentication. We compare OpenID, Auth0, Okta, OneLogin, and more to help you find the right SlashAuth replacement.

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, authentication mechanisms are pivotal in ensuring secure and seamless user experiences. Enter SlashAuth, a cutting-edge Web3 authentication interface tailored for decentralized applications (DApps). As the decentralized web continues to gain traction, tools like SlashAuth emerge as essential components, bridging the gap between traditional authentication methods and the decentralized ecosystem.

Features And Benefits Of SlashAuth:

Web3 Integration: SlashAuth is specifically designed for the decentralized web, making it a perfect fit for DApps.

Enhanced Security: Leveraging the robustness of blockchain technology, it offers heightened security compared to traditional authentication methods.

User-Centric: With a focus on user experience, SlashAuth ensures users can easily and securely access DApps without needing multiple passwords or cumbersome processes.‍

However, as with any technology, there are always reasons why individuals or organizations might seek alternatives. They may be on the hunt for a more cost-effective solution, or they may be comparing features to find the one that aligns best with their specific needs. The quality of service, scalability, and even the reputation of the provider can all be factors that drive the search for alternatives.

Why Consider Alternatives To SlashAuth?

Price Comparison: While SlashAuth offers a range of features, there might be other solutions that offer similar capabilities at different price points.

Feature Diversification: Different projects have different needs. An alternative might offer a specific feature that's crucial for a particular DApp.

Quality Assurance: By comparing various platforms, one can gauge the quality and reliability of each, ensuring the best choice for their application.

Scalability and Flexibility: As DApps grow, their needs evolve. An alternative might offer better scalability options or more flexibility in terms of integration.

With these considerations in mind, the pressing question arises: What are the best 

Top 5 SlashAuth Alternatives

1. Arcana Network 

Arcana Network 

Arcana Network is a Web3 infrastructure designed specifically for developers. Its primary goal is to facilitate the launch and scaling of decentralized applications through its comprehensive suite of tools, including Auth, Store, and Access SDK. One of its flagship products, Arcana Auth, has already made its debut on the Mainnet. This product focuses on simplifying Web3 Authentication, allowing developers to enhance user conversion rates significantly.

Features of Arcana Network:

Web3 Authentication Simplified: With Arcana Auth, developers can easily integrate Web3 Authentication into their applications, offering users the convenience of social or email login.

Non-Custodial Wallets: Users are provided with in-app, non-custodial wallets, enabling them to sign transactions and manage their tokens and NFTs without the need for additional plugins.

Gasless Transactions & Crypto On-Ramps: Arcana Network offers addon features like gasless transactions, making the user experience smoother. Additionally, it provides crypto on-ramps, further enhancing the user journey.

Open-Source: Being open-source, Arcana Network encourages community contributions, fostering innovation and continuous improvement.

Pros of Using Arcana Network:

Enhanced User Onboarding: By allowing users to onboard through familiar methods like social or email login, Arcana Network can boost user conversion rates by up to 90%.

Seamless User Experience: The combination of non-custodial wallets, gasless transactions, and crypto on-ramps ensures that users have a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Developer-Friendly: With tools like Auth, Store, & Access SDK, developers have a comprehensive suite of tools at their disposal, making application development and scaling more straightforward.

Security: The non-custodial nature of the wallets ensures that users have full control over their assets, enhancing security.‍

Cons of Using Arcana Network:

Adoption Curve: As with any new technology or platform, there might be an initial resistance or learning curve for users and developers unfamiliar with the system.‍

Dependency: Relying on Arcana Network's infrastructure means that any potential downtimes or issues with the network could impact applications built on it.

Integration Challenges: While Arcana Network promises seamless integration, there might be challenges when trying to integrate it with existing systems or platforms.

2. Privy


Privy is an authentication solution designed to simplify the user onboarding process for decentralized applications. Its primary selling point is the ability to seamlessly integrate beautiful authentication flows within minutes. The platform is tailored to cater to every user, irrespective of whether they possess a wallet, and is compatible across both mobile and desktop interfaces.

Features of Privy:

Universal User Onboarding: Privy ensures that all users, even those without a wallet, can be onboarded securely. This inclusivity ensures a broader user base for DApps.

Simplified Integration: With just a few lines of code, developers can integrate Privy's authentication flows into their applications, eliminating the need for extensive coding or backend work.‍

Adaptive Authentication Flows: Privy boasts aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly authentication flows that can be added to any application with ease.

Wallet Connectivity Insight: Privy takes away the hassle of determining user connectivity. Developers no longer need to forget which chain or wallet their users are connected to.‍

Pros of Privy:

User-Centric Design: The platform is designed with the end-user in mind, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free authentication experience.‍

Broad Compatibility: Privy's compatibility across mobile and desktop ensures that DApps can cater to a wider audience without platform restrictions.

Time-Efficient: The quick integration process means developers can spend less time on authentication issues and more time refining their core product.‍

Inclusive Approach: By not excluding users without a wallet, Privy ensures that DApps can reach a more extensive user base.‍

Cons of Privy:

Dependence on a Third-Party Platform: Like any third-party solution, there's a reliance on Privy's uptime and performance. Any issues with Privy could potentially affect the user experience of the DApp.‍

Potential Learning Curve: While Privy promises easy integration, there might be a learning curve for developers unfamiliar with its system.

Cost Implications: The pricing structure of Privy isn't mentioned, but there might be costs associated with using their platform, especially for larger DApps with a vast user base.‍

3. Lit


Lit is a protocol designed to facilitate the reading and writing of data between blockchains and off-chain platforms. At its core, it aims to decentralize public key cryptography, shifting away from traditional centralized systems. This decentralization allows for the creation of apps with private data using identity-based encryption, providing a more streamlined onboarding experience, especially for those who are new to the world of cryptocurrency, through the use of MPC wallets.‍

Features of Lit:

Decentralized Key Management: Lit allows users to create and manage distributed cryptographic key-pairs, enabling condition-based encryption and programmatic signing.

Identity-Based Encryption: With Lit, developers can build applications that use private data, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access specific pieces of information.

MPC Wallets: Lit facilitates smoother onboarding experiences for non-crypto natives, ensuring that even those unfamiliar with blockchain can benefit from its offerings.

Developer-Friendly: Lit offers comprehensive developer documentation, including SDK API documentation, making it easier for developers to integrate and utilize its features.

Pros of Lit:

Enhanced Security: By decentralizing public key cryptography, Lit reduces the risks associated with centralized systems, ensuring more secure data management.

Broad Application: Lit's features, such as identity-based encryption, have a wide range of applications, from personal data management to business solutions.

User-Centric Approach: With tools like MPC wallets, Lit ensures that even those unfamiliar with blockchain can benefit from its offerings.

Comprehensive Documentation: Developers can easily access a wealth of information and resources, ensuring smooth integration and application.

Cons of Lit:

Complexity: The very nature of decentralized systems can be complex, and there might be a learning curve for those new to the concept.

Dependency: As with any protocol, there's a reliance on Lit's performance and uptime. Any issues or downtimes could potentially affect applications built on it.

Integration Challenges: While Lit offers comprehensive documentation, integrating it with existing systems or platforms might pose challenges.


Dynamic protocol has garnered significant attention and investment, with notable backers including a16z and Solana. Its primary focus is offering a suite of tools, including APIs, SDKs, and dashboards, tailored for developers. These tools not only facilitate wallet authentication but also streamline user management. One of Dynamic's standout features is its React library, which intelligently detects installed wallets on a device and then customizes them to align with the brand identity of the developer's project.

Features of Dynamic:

Extensive Chain Support: Dynamic supports many chains, including Ethereum, Solana, Starknet, Arbitrum, Avalanche, BNB Chain, Optimism, and Polygon, making it versatile and adaptable.

Developer-Centric Tools: With its APIs, SDKs, and dashboards, Dynamic offers a comprehensive toolkit for developers to integrate wallet authentication and manage users seamlessly.‍

Intelligent React Library: Dynamic's React library can automatically detect and customize wallets based on the project's brand identity, ensuring a consistent and branded user experience.

Market-Driven Product Offerings: Backed by industry giants, Dynamic's product offerings are tailored to meet the demands and needs of the current market.

Pros of Dynamic:

Versatility: With support for multiple chains, Dynamic ensures that developers aren't restricted to a single blockchain ecosystem.

Seamless Integration: The suite of developer tools ensures that integrating Dynamic into projects is straightforward and hassle-free.

Branded User Experience: The ability to customize wallets to match a project's brand identity ensures a consistent and immersive user experience.

Strong Backing: With investors like a16z and Solana, Dynamic has both the financial and technical backing to ensure continuous innovation and reliability.

Cons of Dynamic:

Learning Curve: For developers new to the Web3 space, there might be an initial learning curve to harness the potential of Dynamic's offerings fully.

Dependency: Relying on Dynamic's protocol means that any potential issues or downtimes with the platform could impact applications built on it.

Market Saturation: With the growing number of wallet authentication and management tools, there's a risk of market saturation, which could impact Dynamic's long-term adoption.

5. Picket API

Picket API

Picket API is a dedicated platform designed to facilitate the authentication and integration of wallets into DApps and other blockchain-based platforms. With its extensive support for many wallets and languages, Picket API aims to provide a universal solution that caters to a global audience. Its primary focus is on simplifying the process of wallet authentication, ensuring that users can effortlessly link their wallets to various DApps or use them for token gating.‍

Features of Picket API:

Extensive Wallet Support: Picket API boasts compatibility with over 170 wallets, ensuring that users have a wide range of options.

Multilingual Support: Catering to a global audience, Picket API supports over 100 languages, ensuring that language barriers are minimized.

One-Click Authentication: Users can authenticate their wallets with a single click, streamlining the process and enhancing user experience.

Developer Resources: The Picket team offers a range of intuitive resources and API products, making it easier for developers to integrate and ensure the security of any wallet their users wish to interact with.

Pros of Using Picket API:

Universal Compatibility: The support for many wallets ensures that Picket API caters to a broad user base, enhancing its appeal.

User-Friendly: The one-click authentication process ensures that even non-tech-savvy users can easily link their wallets to DApps.

Robust Developer Support: With many resources and API products, developers are well-equipped to integrate Picket API into their platforms seamlessly.

‍Enhanced Security: By focusing on authentication, Picket API ensures that the security of wallet interactions is prioritized.

Cons of Using Picket API:

Learning Curve: For developers new to the platform, there might be an initial learning curve to understand and utilize all the features of Picket API fully.‍

Dependency: Relying on Picket API's infrastructure means potential issues or downtimes with the platform could impact applications built on it.

Integration Challenges: While Picket API promises seamless integration, there might be challenges when trying to integrate it with existing systems or platforms that have specific requirements.


In summary, while SlashAuth offers a range of features tailored for DApps, there are several alternatives in the market, each with its unique strengths and potential drawbacks. The choice of an alternative would depend on specific needs, such as desired features, scalability, price point, and integration capabilities.